Visits at Røst in July and August has been rewarding as usual. The highlight of July was a pelagic trip off Skomvær lighthouse to see Storm Petrels. Attracted with chopped cod-liver, more than 50 Storm Petrels where dancing on a mirrorblank sea.

On the way back we encountered a big pod of Killer Whales.

An adult Peregrine at Vedøy gives hope that they have been successfully breeding this summer.

We started the ringing-season at Kalvøy for a few days in July, and an Icterine Warbler was a pleasant surprise.

The start of August came with good numbers of waders, still dominated by adult individuals.
This flock at Øyran counts 100 birds (I have counted; 74 Dunlins, 20 Knots, 3 Little Stints and 3 Curlew Sandpipers!)

An unusual Curlew Sandpiper; adult bird almost completely moulted to winter plumage in the start of August.

A Temminck’s Stint was among the more uncommon waders.

Eventually young Dunlins took over and was the dominating shorebird.

Red-necked Phalarope have bred successfully, and young birds were feeding eagerly, watced over by an adult male.

Among the less expected birds was a young Coockoo.

We had a major influx of Greater Spotted Woodpeckers; more than 20 was estimated around the islands Mid-August, all juvenile birds.

Warm, easterly winds came up with a flock of more than 20 Sand Martins feeding on insects at Ystnes.

The long-staying male Mandarine Duck showed up again in eclipse plumage.

From 27. August we will be back at Røst for the next five weeks, with continuous ringing and field observations, with special focus on rear, eastern vagrants. We will update you on a weekly basis.