Mid-October at Røst

Back on Røst on October 12th it all started with a “BOOM”; fellow birder Eirik Grønningseter found a stunning 1st calendar year Pacific Golden Plover! It was very cooperative and could be photographed and studied closely in the afternoon.

It was not seen the following days, and we presumed it had moved on, but on October 17th it reappeared on the exact same spot, where it was feeding the following days.

The influx of Bohemian Waxwings also reached Røst, and small flocks was seen around the island during the period.

A major surprise was a Eurasian Jay on October 16th – a first for Røst! It was seen the following days and accompanied by another individual on the 19th and a third on 20th!

Other passerines where few; Greenfinches and Bullfinches arrived in small flocks, and so did the first Great Tits for the season.

Of the “songbirds” only a few Chiffchaffs and a single Dunnock was seen.

The ringing came to an end for the season on October 20th, and the highlight of this last leg was no less than 12 Bohemian Waxwings ringed.