A quiet week bird-wise, dominated by gales from west and southwest. A few hours of good seabird-watching in the start of the week, resulted in a total of 6 Manx and 10 Sooty Shearwaters.
The mist-nets were only open a few hours during the week, and just a handful of birds were ringed with two new Garden Warblers as the most interesting.
The Citrine Wagtail has been around all week.
A Red-backed Shrike – just seen very briefly last week – has been stable in the same group of trees throughout the week.
Otherwise not much to see In the field, with an un-ringed Wood Warbler as the only new passerine of interest. The rest is the regulars, here illustrated with a Redpoll.
A Great Spotted Woodpecker is still around, after the major influx in August.
The long-staying drake Mandarin duck is gradually returning to its splendid breeding plumage.
Both the Gyrfalcons have been seen regularly – on one occasion together. It gave a good opportunity to study the difference in plumage on these to young females.
At least three Merlins were hunting around the wetlands.
Wader-migration seems to stop up in the heavy headwind, and both Golden Plover, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Ruff were present with three-digit numbers on Røstlandet.
Ruffs are seen everywhere, as they are not too picky in choice of habitat.
Golden Plovers, on the other hand, gathers in solid flocks – more than 250 were counted on a traditional roost on the east side of the island.
Little Stints also appeared in good numbers; here resting with a dunlin.
Common Snipes are numerous on the island, but not often seen in the open.
Now we look forward to a new week with a far more promising weather forecast. We are seriously looking forward to seeing more eastern vagrants!