The period from February to mid-March was what we call a normal winter in the Lofoten region, without the big highlights.
Iceland gulls occurred in moderate numbers – here an adult from Andenes.
Adult and 2cy Iceland gulls from Henningsvær.
Adult Iceland gull from Røst.
White-tailed eagle winter in three-figured numbers in Lofoten, and we find all age classes; here a 2cy and an adult bird.
A single Northern hawk owl was at Vestvågøy most of February.
A single male Northern pintail spent the winter with mallards at Gimsøy.
Grey herons can be found in good numbers during the winter in Lofoten; two adult and a 2cy bird from Napp in Flakstad.
Among shorebirds, the purple sandpiper is by far the most regular winter guest in our region.
Curlews also winters locally; here a flock of 22 birds at Vestvågøy.
Redshanks can be found in small numbers at Røst in winter.
The ringed plower is among the earliest migratory birds to arrive; this one from Røst in March.
The coal tit is a scarce breeder in Lofoten, but seems to be regular in some of the older planted spruce fields.
A winter wren that survived the winter at Røst.