Our blog will give you an idea of what birding in Norway can be like, and what Tringa Birding is up to throughout the year.
Finnmark in May
We had an assignment on eight days of birding in Finnmark in the second half of May, starting in the Pasvik Valley and the Varanger peninsula working our way westward to Porsanger. One of the target species in Pasvik was the Siberian Tit, and we found it in the upper part of the valley near…
Glimpse of the northern spring
This spring has been very restless with travelling between north and south, but it has been quite a few interesting things to report from Nordland during the short stays in March, April and early May. To start with the highlight so far; driving northward 9th May we did a brief stop at Engasjyen in Mo i…
Gulls, gulls, gulls…
Back in the days a herring gull was a herring gull. Not anymore! Our visit to southern Norway this spring gave the opportunity to study closely some of the rarer species in the country. An adult yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) has settled in inland Hamar, where it seems to have paired up with a lesser…
April in the south
Despite rather cold weather and slow migration, the early spring weeks in southern Norway had some highlights. The biggest one was no doubt a Yankee: a sandhill crane decided to visit Lista the two first weeks of April, and was surely worth a drive down to the very south! Great Northern Divers are still around…